About the Artist

A Brief Bio of the Artist; a Life Long Learner
I come from a long line of artists. My passion for art started when I was very young when creations involved crayons, dried plants, string, pasta, paint, pastels, pencils, glue, and any other interesting materials I could find (just no bugs).
As life got busier, creativity pointed in the direction of education. This meant time for painting declined until I picked up my brushes in 2008 initially to find a healthier life balance. Many art teachers, mentors, and colleagues have deeply impacted my development and skill as an artist throughout this time. I will be forever grateful to all of them as I continue on this lifelong journey.
Many things in life inspire me. Travel, people, music, architecture, summer and autumn in Ontario, spring in Victoria, snowy winter landscapes and anywhere the sun shines, animals, landscapes in nature and cities, music, and musicians playing wholeheartedly, open space, fresh air, exercise, kindness, compassion, and love. I will always stay curious and always continue to learn.
To this day, painting continues to be one of my greatest pleasures; specifically moving the smooth paint, the rich colours and textures, around the canvas to portray experience and meaningful life elements. It is transformational on many levels…a place where many metaphors can be found. It is a dance between form and freedom, allowing me to surrender to the process, to let things happen, and to learn how to suspend judgment. As in life, my art is an expression of my heart and soul, passions and dreams, so the colours and shapes often reveal hidden gems, the wordless narrative about my hopes for the world, my sense of beauty, and even the soft place between joy and sadness.
Part of me and my life narrative adding much meaning are my amazing children and grandchildren, friends, teachers, my work as an educator, and yes, my extremely entitled Siamese cat.